Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"In the Future Everyone Will Be Famous for 15 Minutes" - Andy Warhol

Hi Everyone!

City Uptown GRAND OPENING in 7 days!!  

The City Uptown team has been busy getting the store set for next week's opening. We are nailing down our visual plans and we're excited to bring something fresh to City Uptown: Pop Art! 

So, what exactly is Pop?  Here is the answer from a 1966 issue of Newsweek magazine: "In short, pop is what's happening. It's anything that is imaginative, nonserious, rebellious, new, or nostalgic; anything, basically, fun."  

We loved the idea of pop-art as a design theme and thought that it would be most effective to keep our store modern and sleek and introduce pop art influences into the store decor. 

To help you brush up on your pop-art knowledge here is some info from

"Pop art has its origins rooted in the 1950s, and was originally a movement in the art world that sought to embrace the mass produced visual media of the time and integrate it into fine art pieces. It has seen a resurgence in recent years, much of which is due to the wide spread use of photo manipulation in every day life. Loosely defined, this style involves isolating objects from their environment and arranging them, often with other pieces, in new surroundings. The pieces are meant to inspire thoughtfulness, and many famous pop artists used these works as an almost satirical commentary of the transitional times they lived in. American Pop Art pioneer Andy Warhol made the art form synonymous with bright colors applied to the same image, arranged in multiple panels on one piece in complimentary color schemes, though that certainly is not the only interpretation."

We look forward to exploring this pop-art theme at City Uptown and can't wait to have our GRAND OPENING in 7 days!!  

*City Uptown

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